June 3, 2024

Kristiina Jürisoo, Tartu ülikool

Species-rich strips of grassland diversify the agricultural landscape

This year, three farms have taken a big step towards diversifying the agricultural landscape with the support of our project. Aivar Mikkus from Kirbla OÜ created strips of grassland on a 20 ha field, Kalmer Visnapuu from Piira farm on a 46 ha field, and Sander Hiire from Mäemõisa OÜ on a 32 ha field. In each of these fields, we are experimenting with different seed mixes to support biodiversity and nature’s benefits (pest control and pollination) in agricultural landscapes. In addition, Airi Külvet from Puutsa farm is in the process of establishing a species-rich cultivated pasture.

A species-rich blooming strip of grassland does not take up much land, but it provides a valuable habitat for both natural pollinators and natural enemies of crop pests, such as hoverflies, ground beetles, spiders or Hymenoptera. Pollinators and natural enemies of pests help improve crop quality and reduce the need for plant protection products.

According to Sander Hiire, representative of OÜ Mäemõisa, creating such strips of grassland is a small step on a global scale, but a big step to practise a new way of thinking and cooperation with nature. Sander, who has become an active spokesperson for young farmers, is planning to create a longer strip of grassland across several fields this autumn, connecting a larger woodland area and creating a green corridor in the agricultural landscape.

This summer, researchers from the University of Tartu will start monitoring the strips of grassland created in Sadala Agro’s fields last year, as well as the biodiversity there – plants, birds, insects (including pollinators, pests and their enemies) and spiders will be studied. The monitoring results will help to understand how the diversification of agricultural landscapes affects different groups of organisms and what impact the strips of grassland have on yields.

The harsh winter also brought setbacks. The strips of grassland sown last year by the Järva County Vocational Training Centre (Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus) had to be re-sown due to winter damage, but this will not hinder their future activities. Due to winter damage, additional grass seed will also have to be sown on the strips of grassland that were created in the field of OÜ Sadala Agro last year.

Monitoring of the grassland strips created this year will start in 2025.